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Case Manager’s Corner

Thank you for checking out our program for your sibling children! We appreciate all of the hard work you do in the lives of our children. Here at DREAM Group Homes, Inc., we seek to make your life just a little bit easier. Below are a few reasons you should place your sibling children with us:

  • Visit one site for up to five children on one case, instead of driving to multiple locations to visit all
  • Minimal behaviors (Children have more of the typical childhood/family behavior; behavior trauma is reduced)
  • Our group homes resemble a loving foster home (We house up to five siblings with live-in staff)
  • Stable long-term placement for children who will be in the foster care system for more than a year
  • We are an activity-based organization (We keep the children happy and healthy through city sports, year-round karate, trips to the
  • zoo, museums, water parks, and annual family vacations to California with spending money)
  • Our children achieve academic success (There are expectations for their efforts at school. We have resources that also encourage
  • them and help the children to achieve academic success)
  • Celebrating individuals (Dream Group Homes, Inc. celebrates each child’s individuality. The children have individualized birthday
  • parties and gifts, Halloween costumes, etc.
  • Activity-based family visitation (Family visitations take place in the community and are supervised by our live-in staff. The activity
  • is paid for by DREAM Group Homes, Inc.; children have fun, and the family has fun!)


What type of children best fit your program?

The children that best fit our program are, first and foremost, siblings. Siblings who will be in the Arizona Foster Care System for one year or more are the most ideal children to come into our program. DREAM Group Homes, Inc. can house up to five siblings in one household. Our group homes are licensed to take ages 4-17, male and female siblings. If you do not have a sibling group of five, we would prefer that you refer two sibling groups of three and two or a sibling group of four with one additional child on your caseload that would fit into our program. This again is a benefit to allow you to visit five children in one placement. Children who would fit in best with our program will also have the physical, mental, and emotional capacity to be around other children, be supervised in a very structured environment, and have the capacity to fully participate in all of the programs here at DREAM Group Homes, Inc.

How is placing my children different with DREAM Group Homes, Inc.?

Our program here at DREAM Group Homes, Inc. is very different from the typical group home organization. The difference is seen up front when your children walk through the doors of the same placement having a sense of security because they will remain together. Our program focuses on keeping siblings together, and also keeping the children in our care for an extended period of time so that they benefit from a stable placement while their families work on getting the children back into their care.

What is their first week like at DREAM Group Homes, Inc.?

The children’s first week at DREAM Group Homes, Inc. is all about their comfort and security. The day of their arrival, they will be treated to their very own 53" bear stuffed animal. We realize children come in with very little, and we want to give them a small comfort to set their mind at ease. The day after their arrival, they spend quality time with the President/CEO of DREAM Group Homes, Inc. at the Phoenix Zoo being treated to their first DREAM experience. There, the children ride on the camels, the train, the carousel, watch a 4-D movie and then pet the stingrays at Stingray Bay! At the end of the week, the children will be taken out for their very own welcome party at UltraStar Multitainment Center with Ms. Jordan and the current sibling residents of DGH! We spend 2 hours in the gamer cave playing the latest video game system and games, 90 minutes of bowling, 1 game of laser tag, and 30 minutes at the arcade! During this first week, expectations will be set. A discussion will take place regarding academic, behavioral, and program participation expectations. The children are set, and their DREAM stay begins!

What do the children like most about being placed at DREAM Group Homes, Inc.?

Children LOVE being placed at DREAM Group Homes, Inc. The children have access to childhood experiences they would not have had otherwise. The children also love being placed together in the same household. Instead of communicating their experiences to their sibling via written or telephonic communication, they are sharing the same experiences right along with them! They also love that they are experiencing the activities of their DREAMS!

What are your expectations for the children in your care?

We encourage our children to DREAM. Not only do we encourage them to DREAM, we also teach them how to accomplish these DREAMS. The expectations are set high for behavior, academics, respect, leadership, and program participation.

What are your expectations for me?

We need your help! When you place your children with us, we depend on your quick communication. The majority of our activities for the children are funded through the Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation. When we submit a grant request, communication is required from the case manager confirming the child’s status in the foster care system. The quicker the response, the faster we can get the children what they need in order to participate. We also need birth certificates for your children. We seek to travel via airplane and train in order to experience activities offered in other states. We can do this only by having the child’s birth certificates in our files.

How can I get my children on the waiting list to get into your program?!

Please fill out a referral request and submit the requested information to You may also reach out to President/CEO Margaret Jordan at (480)363-4723 or via email. We look forward to speaking with you, bringing your children home, and helping them to accomplish their DREAMs!

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